

RallySafe is a tracking system that is used for timing, scoring but also safety during stage rallies. It provides official rally time, stage times and communication with net control in case of incidents (ok or SOS) as well as functionality such as 'Push to pass' to signal the proximity of another car and facilitate passing on stage.

Both ARA and CARS are now using RallySafe at all their national events:

You can choose between a permanent kit that you purchase once and for all and install in the car or a temporary kit that you purchase at each event. Permanent kits are shipped from Australia and take 2 to 4 weeks to get to the US: https://shop.statusas.com/shop/category/fitting-kits/


The permanent RallySafe kit requires drilling of the roof to get the GPS antenna cables through whereas the temporary kit routes the wires outside the car through the door seal. Both installations are described in the videos below:


Here are a few training videos showing how to operate the RallySafe unit: